what i can offer

I specialise in Mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) support and advisory services for leaders and organisations, the auditing or development of programmes and projects, leadership coaching and mentoring, and workshop facilitation.

I work with a number of sectors including education, government, and high value industries. My skillset and work is transferable for all business, big or small.

I am a provocateur / disruptor / challenger - assisting organisations to think beyond their current state, to ask what else might be possible?

keynote presentations

I can deliver presentations and workshops from my experience in education (particularly for Māori), and from my Doctoral research - to a variety of audiences. 

I utilise my experiences as an educator, a mother, a grandmother, a business woman - to comment on the current state of the education system and challenge audiences to think about the changes that need to occur in education.